Monday, July 9, 2018

Day 141 London/Greenwich United Kingdom May 4, 2018

Greenwich, England is a borough of London along the Thames River and includes the Maritime Greenwich UNESCO Site.  At the Royal Observatory, the world’s longitude is measured from the prime meridian.  Greenwich Mean Time sets the global time standard.  This was a fascinating museum.  The building had additions added as the equipment became more sophisticated.  It was interesting to see how the equipment evolved over time.  

London is upriver from Greenwich (where we were docked).  London  is home to Buckingham Palace, the Parliament, Westminster Abbey and British Royalty.  It is a major economic and cultural hub.  London also has a tradition of arts and architectural innovation such as Shakespeare’s Globe Theater, Tower Bridge and the London Eye.

Saw cultural and historic monuments.  Passed the Tower of London - home of the Crown Jewels and the resident Yeoman Wardens AKA  Beefeaters (guarding the jewels), Thames River - admired the buildings along the famous Thames Embankment,  Trafalgar Square - saw Admiral Horatio Nelson atop his column, The Mall - London’s ceremonial avenue which led us past St. James Park to Buckingham Palace.  At Parliament Square, we did not hear the chime of Big Ben (under restoration), but saw the Gothic Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. 

At the port, the clipper ship Cutty Sark is one of Greenwich’s most historic landmarks.  Enjoyed my time exploring the ship.  The displays were thought provoking and helped increase my understanding of life on board. The tea had to be packed in tightly, allowing no room for shifting. 

Streets of London

Buckingham Palace

London Bridge

Overview of the Royal and the Regal.  Saw cultural and historic monuments.  Passed the Tower of London - home of the Crown Jewels and the resident Yeoman Wardens AKA  Beefeaters (guarding the jewels), Thames River to admire the buildings along the famous Thames Embankment,  Trafalgar Square, and saw Admiral Horatio Nelson atop his column, The Mall - London’s ceremonial avenue which led us past St. James Park to Buckingham Palace.  At Parliament Square, we did not hear the chime of Big Ben (under restoration), but saw the Gothic Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey pictured above.  

Straddling the Prime Meridian Line in Greenwich, London, England

The Eye

The flag means the Queen is in Residence.

Fountain in front of Buckingham Palace

Prime Meridian Museum

Greenwich, a borough of London along the Thames River includes the Maritime Greenwich UNESCO Site.  At the Royal Observatory, the world’s longitude is measured from the prime meridian, and Greenwich Mean Time sets the global time standard.  This was a fascinating museum.  The building had additions added as the equipment became more sophisticated.  It was interesting to see how the equipment evolved over time.  

At the port, the clipper ship Cutty Sark is one of Greenwich’s most historic landmarks.  Enjoyed my time exploring the ship.  The displays were thought provoking and helped increase my understanding of life on board.  This is a cross-section of the ship showing how the tea had to be packed in tightly. No room for shifting.  

Cutty Sark

Cutty Sark with London in the background.