Monday, May 7, 2018


I am happy to report that I am safely home.  I do not have internet at my house so I have to walk to the Resident's Center to do a post.  My internet will be connected next Tuesday.

We left the ship at 6:15 AM.  Due to some luggage confusion when loading the buses, we never left the pier until 7:30.  We had a scenic drive through London and got to the airport in plenty of time for our 12:40 flight.  Since we were flying Business Class, we were able to enjoy the Lounge which was quite relaxing.

Our plane loaded and we pulled away from the gate on time.  Then we were parked beside the terminal for three hours.  Something about the overflow fuel tanks were leaking.  Engineers had to decide what to do.  Then, they were going to drain them which would take thirty minutes.  We sat for three hours  with the air conditioners running so they needed to refill the fuel tanks.  I think it all sounded a bit crazy.

We got to Philadelphia after our flight left for Wilmington.  I so wanted to be home in my own bed, but I was at the Marriott instead.   We were directed to walk to the Marriott which meant pushing my 100+ lbs of luggage on a cart.   I enjoyed a lovely salad for dinner.  We had a quick breakfast and walked back to the airport pushing our luggage carts again.

Our flight to Wilmington was delayed about 30 minutes, but the pilot made up time in the air.  I assume this was due to the bad weather coming up the coast.  Our landing in Wilmington was uneventful and Donna and Leon picked us up.

Happy to be home and looking forward to chilling in my own house.


  1. Welcome Home, Dian!
    So glad you are safely back. We all missed you!

  2. Thank you Dee. It is good to be home.

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