Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ambleside, UK. 8/31/2019

Tonight, I had my post completed and the whole thing disappeared.  I am posting in segments now, hoping I am not working in vain.

Phone says 4.2 miles, 10,402 steps and climbed 7 floors.  
After our boat ride, I wandered around Ambleside.  I took a lot of pictures of the houses made of stone and stone walls.  The town has a lot of character and a lot of sporting stores.  There were many hikers and their dogs on the streets.  

The Bridge House is the oldest house and most photographed house.  It has served a variety of purposes.  It was the bridge to a larger house and has also been an apple storage building and is now in the National Trust.  

I met a local man in the cemetery and we chatted about his lovely town.  He loves America as he has visited many times.  His brother has lived in Nashville for over fifty years.  

The Mill Stream.  

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