Wednesday, April 12, 2023

88,89,90 April 12,13,14 Mozambique Channel and Mayotte, French Comoro

 Day 88  Wed April 12  Mozambique Channel

Day 89 Thur April 13 Mozambique Channel

Day 90 Fri  April 14 Mayotte, French Comoro  11-7:00 TENDER

Malaria is prevalent.  Don’t eat the food.  Don’t expose chest, knees, stomach or lower back, respect Muslims.  

I wasn’t going to go to Mayotte, but I decided to ride the tender into port.  I got off, but I didn’t go far.  In addition to malaria, personal safety is an issue.  I went into a large building where all kinds of things were for sale, but it was a little too dark for my liking and the music was very loud.  Most of the women wore traditional Muslim clothing and they had some kind of dried out creamy mixture on their faces.  It kind of looked like dried mustard as it was yellowish in color.  I took pictures of flowers, islands and a statue and rode the tender back to the ship.  It was also extremely hot.   

Today is Day 90, my trip is one-half over.  

                                    Ferry to a nearby island where many people go to the beach.

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