Thursday, April 19, 2018

Day 125 Wednesday 4/18/2018 Safaga (Luxor), Egypt 7:00 - 11:00 PM

Day Two in Egypt.  I saw a lot of armed police and military today.  There were many checkpoints along the way.  We had extended stops at eight of the permanent checkpoints and one extended stop at a mobile checkpoint on our way to Luxor in the morning during our three + hour drive.  There were some checkpoints that we just passed through.  On our way back at the end of the day, we had no extended stops...  

Very tired of speed bumps.  Multiple speed bumps at the checkpoints.  Egypt also has speed bumps at many, many intersections to slow traffic.   Very long day, returned at 9:30 and need to be up at 4:00 AM tomorrow....  

FACEBOOK Two more UNESCO World Heritage sites.  Karnak Temple, Luxor straddles the Nile and dates back to 2050 BC.  The largest ancient religious site in the world and most important sanctuary of ancient Egypt.  Karnack means "Most Selected of Places".  This site covers over 200 acres.  Construction is believed to have begun in 16th century BC and  lasted 1,300 years and thirty pharaohs contributed to the construction of Karnack.  The sandstone was brought from quarries located on the Nile River 100 miles away.    Saw many temples, pylons, obelisks and Hypostyle Hall with 16 rows -  totaling 134 columns.  The Hypostyle Hall has 134 pillars that are up to 70 feet tall and covers 65,000 square feet.  Very impressive hieroglyphics throughout the site.  

Very hot, at least 106 degrees, some said 116 degrees.    Lunch at a lovely resort in the middle of the Nile River. 

Proceeded to the Nile’s west bank and the Valley of the Kings where Tombs of 63 Egyptian pharaohs have been found including Tutankhamun.  Almost all the tombs have been opened and robbed.  Rock cut tombs were excavated for Pharaohs more frequently than pyramids were built.     We visited King Tut’s tomb and two others.  We entered the tombs and proceeded down a long inclined rock-cut corridor/ramp that descended to the burial chamber.   We spent time looking at hieroglyphics on the walls and ceilings.  Scenes included early Egyptian mythology telling the journey of the sun god through the twelve hours of night.  The natural dyes are still surprisingly vibrant on the walls and ceilings.  Then saw Colossi of Memnon, two giant twin statues of Amenhotep III.  

Another amazing experience!

Obelisk at Karnak Temple is 97 feet tall and is calculated to weigh 323 tons.

Guard at Valley of the Kings.  No pictures allowed in the tomb area we visited.

Luxor, Egypt, along the highway.  

Avenues of sphinxes

Statue of Ramses II

Hypostyle Hall 134 columns - up to 70 feet tall.  Covers 65,000 square feet.

This man loved to have his picture taken and he didn't ask for any money.  The man behind him in the suit is one of the guards that rode each of the buses  

Tomb of Ramesses III, picture found online

Our luncheon restaurant was on an island in the middle of the Nile.

Saw many modes of transportation along the way.  

Security at the beginning and end of our bus caravan.  Yes, those men have machine guns!

Lots of rock and desert.

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