Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 14, 2018 Valentine's Day Concert in the Atrium.

4:00 Valentine's Day Concert aboard the Viking Sun on 2/14/18

Viking Sun's Entertainment Team taking a bow at the conclusion of the Valentine's Day Concert in the Atrium.   

Heather Clancy, Cruise Director and Gary Jerry at the conclusion of the Beatle's "Love" sing-a-long at the close of the Valentine's Day Concert.  

Gary Jerry and the Viking Trio playing an arrangement created by Gary.   

Ladies Cha Cha Group and Matthew at the conclusion of their Cha Cha performance after  many weeks of practice.  

Heather Clancy, our cruise director, accompanied by Jorem Linn.  Heather is a mezzo-soprano and sings beautifully.  

Anna Lee and R R, the lead singers of the Viking Band, accompanied by Jorem.  

My favorite band leader, Jorem, a trained classical pianist and an amazing musician.  

Lots of entertainment today.  After this concert, I went to dinner.  Then at 9:00 two performers were combined for this evening's show.  Then we closed Torshavn Nightclub with the Viking Band.

1 comment:

  1. Truly amazing share about Valentine's Day Concert. It looks so enjoyable and very well organized. We also had an awesome time in our Valentine's Day event as well. It was a small family event at the indoor party venue. We hired a DJ service too which entertained us a lot.
