Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hong Kong, Day 2 March 13, 2018

Taking too many pictures and struggling to keep up with editing them.  

Included tour ""Postcards of Hong Kong" - 2 hours of walking.  Saw the legendary highlights of Hong Kong.  Sweeping vistas after riding to Victoria Peak on the tram car.  An 1,800-foot summit that soars over the city’s skyscrapers.  Known as “The  Peak” by locals.  Breathtaking views of the metropolis, Victoria Harbor, and Kowloon Peninsula.  Victoria Peak has some of the highest market values in the world.  The bus picked us up at the top.

Explored Aberdeen, a  former floating fishing village.  Boarded a sampan for a twenty min. ride through the "floating village".  Hundreds of people used to live on fishing junks,, but not now.    Stopped by a jade factory and saw one man working.  Traveled along Hong Kong Island’s south shore, and shopped at the open air Stanley Market.

View from Victoria's Peak

Victoria's Peak

From Victoria's Peak

From Victoria's Peak

Hong Kong at night

Jade Factory

Market items

Tram to the top of Victoria's Peak

From Victoria's Peak

Jumbo Floating Restaurant in Aberdeen

Chinese believe they must keep the mountains happy.  This dragon hole is a part of feng shui.  If the mountains can see the sea there will be good luck in this building.

Really nice and BIG pilot boat.

Sampan in Aberdeen

View from tram on way up to Victoria's Peak.

Went to a "jade factory" where we saw one man working on jewelry.

From The Peak

Our sampan for touring the harbor

Aberdeen water village?

I saw two boats that actually looked like someone may live there.  


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