Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Shanghai, China Day 2 March 9, 2018

The Garden City of Suzhou  7:30-4:30 Two UNESCO sights, Gardens and Canals.  Our nine hour trip ended up being eleven hours because of traffic.  First, we stopped to see the Silk Embroidery Industry and an employee walked us through the cold work area where two women did amazing work that may take 20,000 hours to conclude.   We saw a level two technician doing embroidery on a beautiful piece.  She was very skilled and had been doing this for about twenty years.  Embroiderers work their way up.  There are only 12 Master Embroiderers at one time in China. He explained sample displays. Of course, there was a  shop and I got a small framed piece that was stitched by a novice.  

Suzhou is an ancient city that dates from 5th century.  Canals.  Bridges.  Gardens.  I enjoyed our canal ride through an area identified as a UNESCO Site and took many photos practicing some of the tips I learned from the Viking photographer’s workshops.  Then we enjoyed a great lunch at the Suzhou Wyndham Garden Hotel which was lovely.  A nice variety of delicious dishes  was served. Too bad they didn’t cater the Christening…  On our last stop, our guide, Jonny took us through The Humble Administrators Garden (UNESCO Site) for an 1 hour.  10 acres.  Lakes.  Tiny islands.  Bonsai trees.  Lovely setting.  Several interesting interior sitting areas in pagodas with lovely period furniture..  

Embroidered artwork.  

Garden of Suzhou
Grate in the garden of Suzhou
Cool chandelier at the hotel where we had lunch.  

We rode along the canal in a boat like this one.  

Canal in Water Village, a UNESCO site.

Water Village Canal

Garden of Suzhou, my favorite picture there.

1 comment:

  1. Diane, what a wonderful trip you are having! Any downside to all this traveling.......enjoy every minute! great pics!
