Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Shanghai, March 8, 2018


Shanghai, China The largest city in China is an important port and financial center. This was another overnight port for us as the ship’s godmother is a banker in Shanghai and she christened the ship.
Day one - Visited the very interesting Shanghai Museum and went to the Bund with many impressive architectural features. We had free time until it was time for the christening celebration, so just explored a bit.
Day two - Traveled to the Garden City of Suzhou. Visited a silk embroidery workshop which was fascinating. We went on a canal ride through a water village and ended the day touring the lovely Humble Administrator’s Garden.

Thursday  Shanghai is the largest city in China and one of the world’s most important ports.  Shanghai began as a tiny fishing village 5,000 years ago.  Because it has long welcomed people from all over the world, it has a history of being an open-minded city with a free wheeling character.  Today it is a modern metropolis and center of finance that orbits around its famous Bund, the city’s elegant riverfront promenade overlooked by colonial-era banks and trading houses.  Shanghai’s old quarter retains the narrow lanes and street markets of times past.  The renouned Shanghai Museum contains a wonderful collection of ancient Chinese art. 

Included Tour Panoramic Shanghai and Walking Tour (4 hours).  We drove through the streets to get to the Shanghai Museum.  Admission was free and we had an hour to explore. The museum was established in 1952 and is world-famous for its ancient Chinese art collection.   First we visited the Jade Display, followed by the Chinese Provincial Furnture and then clothing throughout the years and areas of China.  We checked out the silk painting and porcelain displays.  Great museum.  The building has an interesting design with a square base and a circular top.  Traveled to the Bund, noted for Art Deco Architecture and had free time for photos.  If you look across the river, you see ultra-modern buildings.  Kim and I went shopping as the shopping area was less than a 10 min. walk from the Bund stop.  We stopped in the Peace Hotel and checked out the  beautiful lobby.  Shuttles were running and we left for the ship about 2:00.    

Christening ceremony in the evening was a disappointment.  Room was set up with too many tables and you couldn't move through the room.  The food was not great, but I didn't expect much knowing about 800 passengers were there.  We watched the ceremony on televisions around the room because the space outside the ship was obstructed so that we could not see any activities from our location.  The Shanghai Orchestra played, it was like watching PBS...  We saw the whole event on TV in an overcrowded room with bad food and a bad band.  We were off the ship so Viking could entertain 400 dignitaries on the ship.  The ship's Godmother is from Shanghai.  These bankers are giving Viking the money to continue building ships.
Wall art on the Bund created with flowers.

People's Square, Shanghai's Grand Theater in foreground.  Tomorrow Square in background is Shanghai's 8th tallest building.

Lacquered wooden furniture in Shanghai Museum

Peoples' Heroes Monument

Lay's Classic American Flavor.

Lobby of the Peace Hotel

Karine Hagen, voice of Viking

Shanghai Skyline

Lara Knutsen in traditional Norwegian dress.  She is the captain's wife and ship's hostess.  

Shanghai Museum  

Shanghai's Bund, art deco architecture.

Mr. Hagen, the CEO, speaking at the Viking Sun Christening.

The Godmother of the Viking Sun is the Shanghai banker that is funding the  ships being built for  Viking.  

Couples that are getting married soon come to the Bund for pictures in advance of the wedding.  Their portraits become a part of the wedding decor.  There were two couples there the afternoon I was there.  

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