Thursday, October 3, 2019

10/03/2019 Thursday Speyer, Germany

10/3/19  Thursday Day 6 Speyer, Germany  •  Ave. 65 high  49 low rain 26%  mostly cloudy 
Home-Hosted Visit
• Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
• Accommodations: River Ship

Phone says I walked 12,620 steps or 4.5 miles and climbed 5 floors.  

TOUR INFO  "After breakfast, enjoy a walking tour of Speyer, a city founded by the Romans in approximately AD 50 and flourished during the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, much of Speyer was destroyed in the 17th century during the Palatine War of Succession and few remnants of its glorious past survive. During your free time in this imperial-city, you can explore one exception: the Romanesque Cathedral. Built between 1030 and 1125, it set a new architectural standard for the era."  

The Romanesque Speyer Cathedral is made of red sandstone with four green-shingled towers. It is the world's largest Romanesque Cathedral and is a UNESCO site.
The Romanesque Speyer Cathedral is made of red sandstone with four green-shingled towers.  It is the world's largest Romanesque Cathedral and is a UNESCO site.   Interior walls are decorated with Nazarene style frescoes.  The entry to the Imperial Cathedral has two figures on each side  The figure on the left holds a palm frond that arches the doorway.  The figure on his right is holding a pretzel in his right hand.  The pretzel is said to have originated in Speyer.  Johannes, my guide, says originally it was a treat given to altar boys.  When children prayed, they crossed open hands on their chest and the pretzel replicated that positioning.  

On our walk around town we passed the May Pole.  May 1 celebrates workers.  A town will guard its May Pole as May approaches.  Youth from other towns may steal it and hold it for ransom.  Banners on the pole represent the different jobs.  Alportel, Maximilianstrabe is called the Old Gate and is 55 meters high and is well-preserved.  The eastern and western sides of the tower show two clocks.  The northern side features an iron bar that was once called the 'Calibration Show of Speyer'.  Speyers Memorial Church has a 100-meter tower and houses statues of Martin Luther.  Another highlight is the stained glass window in the apse.   The roof is covered with colorful glazed tiles, fixed with copper wire.
Following lunch on board, enjoy an Exclusive Discovery Series Home-Hosted Visit with a local family, which will give you a glimpse into everyday German home life as you share some homemade treats.  My comments - This was a lovely experience.  Our guide split us into five groups and dropped us off at five different house.  The couple that hosted us gave us a tour of their living space, made us a special drink with champagne, their homemade elderberry syrup, mint and lime.  It was refreshing.  We spent some time in their garden and then enjoyed two wonderful, homemade cakes/kuchen.  They told us about their family, neighborhood, foods, energy options, their experiences hosting visitors, etc.  It really was a pleasant visit.  Speyer had some lovely old houses and buildings.

The Speyer Choir entertained us after dinner.  

Speyer Cathedral

Following lunch on board, enjoy an Exclusive Discovery Series Home-Hosted Visit with a local family, which will give you a glimpse into everyday German home life as you share some homemade treats.  My comments - This was a lovely experience.  Our guide split us into five groups and dropped us off at five different house.  The couple that hosted us gave us a tour of their living space, made us a special drink with champagne, their homemade elderberry syrup, mint and lime.  It was refreshing.  We spent some time in their garden and then enjoyed two wonderful, homemade cakes/kuchen.  They told us about their family, neighborhood, foods, energy options, their experiences hosting visitors, etc.  It really was a pleasant visit. Our hosts of our home visit. 

My info. The Romanesque Speyer Cathedral is made of red sandstone with four green-shingled towers. It is the world's largest Romanesque Cathedral and is a UNESCO site.  

Interior walls are decorated with Nazarene style frescoes.  

  This is a May Pole and May 1 celebrates workers.  A town will guard its May Pole as May approaches as youth from other towns may steal it and hold it for ransom.  The banners represent the different jobs. 

The entry to the Imperial Cathedral.  The figure on the left holds a palm frond that arches the doorway.  The figure on the right is holding a pretzel in his right hand.  The pretzel is said to have originated in Speyer.  Johannes, my guide, says originally it was a treat given to altar boys.  When children prayed, they crossed open hands on their chest and the pretzel replicated that positioning.  

The main street through town.

My guide, Johannes and the Speyer Cathedral.  Johannes was very knowledgeable.

Not as many quaint house in the area we visited but cobblestone streets.

Half-timber house

Alportel, Maximilianstrabe is called the Old Gate and is 55 meters high and is well-preserved.  The eastern and western sides of the tower show two clocks.  The northern side features an iron bar that was once called the 'Calibration Show of Speyer'.  Below

Speyers Memorial Church has a 100-meter tower and houses statues of Martin Luther.  Another highlight is the stained glass window in the apse.   The roof is covered with colorful glazed tiles, fixed with copper wire.   Below.

Biergarten located next to where our ship was docked.

Mount of Olive sculpture was once part of the cloister grounds.  

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