Tuesday, October 1, 2019

10/1 Basal to Strasbourg, France locks part 1

I was a little worried about burning up my phone.  The outlet in the bathroom is 110 and I wasn’t sure what adaptor would work.  One adaptor worked and one didn’t.  The outlet said 120 on one side and 220 on the other side.  So with some trepidation, I made a decision.  When I came out of the bathroom after plugging in my phone to charge it, my cabin was dark.  I thought I tripped the breaker, but we were descending in the lock. That’s the wall right outside my window.

Not a lot of room to spare.  Some times the gates go up and sometimes they withdraw to the side.  

The man up front in the picture below is piloting the ship.  When there was no one in the wheelhouse, I wondered who was in piloting.  Then I remembered they have controls on both sides of the ship.  

More room between the ships than between our boat and the wall, which  makes sense. 

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