Friday, February 24, 2023

Day 41, 2/24/23 Friday Punta del Este, Uruguay 9:00-6:00 TENDER Port

Friday Day 41 2/24 Punta del Este, Uruguay 8-6:00  TENDER

                                            This is today's tender that brought us from the ship to Punta del Este.  

I really liked this port and felt very safe as I did a Walking Tour that I picked up at the Tourist Information Center.  Today, I walked 16,699 steps or 5.8 miles and I climbed 19 floors.   

Punta del Este was discovered by the Spanish sea man Juan Diaz de Solis on February 2, 1516.  It was the day of Nuestra Senoria,de la Candelaria.  

Punta del Este, is on a peninsula on the Atlantic Coast of southeastern Uruguay.  The city is internationally known as a resort for the Latin and North American jet set and tourists.  A long list of famous people have visited, resided or bought properties in Punta del Este and the surrounding areas.  The population of year round residents numbers about 12,400.  The summer season residents average about 450,000.  The resort development extends for forty miles along the coast.  Uruguay is one of the safest countries in Latin America and Punta del Este is one of the safest cities.   There is a wide variety of housing options from individual houses in neighborhoods. older 3 and 4 story apartment buildings and modern high-rise buildings with many amenities including ocean views.  

“A third-story 430-square-foot studio apartment on the Punta del Este Peninsula. It’s near the main plaza and just 600 feet from the water. While in an older building constructed in 1955, it’s a clean and bright place with tile flooring, a granite kitchen counter top, and a balcony. The building complex includes a swimming pool and the home owner’s dues include maid service. Like most apartments in Punta del Este, it comes fully furnished. Price: $125,000.”   

This work of art was created by a local sculptor Mario Lazo and installed February 2, 1982.
                                    Punta del Este, Uruguay waterfront.
This hand is on Playa Brava at Parada 1, it shows the works of Latin America sculptors, selected at the First Meeting of International Sculptors.  
I had fun taking pictures of the waves crashing on the rocks. 

This is one of the flags of Uruguay.  It has nine equal horizontal stripes alternating white and blue. The canton is white, with the Sun of May.   There are 16 rays extending, alternating between triangular and wavy.
                                            I don't know what this tower was for.  I stopped by to ask but the man there did not speak English.  
Gran Bretana is located in the Punta de las Salinas in Rambia de la Circunvalacion.  In front of this Plazoleta, the boundary between the Rio de la Plata and the Atlantic Ocean was established.  
This anchor was on the Ajax Ship, a participant in the historic battle of the Rio de la Plata that took place in 1939 near Punta del Este.   
Tomas Libarena started building this light house on November 17, 1860.  It was built to guide navigation in the Atlantic Ocean and the River Plate.  It is 45 m high, works with electricity, and the crystal prisms were brought from France.    

                                            Parish Church on 5 Street

                                            Uruguay's Naval Office.  
                                                Parish Church
                                                    Punta del Este, Uruguay Lighthouse.

                                            Glorieta Gazebo on the waterfront
                                                Aerial view of Punta del Este Seaport
                                            Yacht Club, Punta del Este
                                        Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria Seaport,  Punta del Este is a port for tourists and sports.  It is a medium depth.  There are 400 mooring lines and 500 places on shore.  

                             The front of the Oceania Insignia.  Photo was taken as the tender was returning.  
                                            View of Punta del Este from the bridge cam.  

                                                View of the front of the Oceania, Insignia.
                                            View of Punta del Este, Uruguay from the bridge cam on board.

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