Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 22, 2023 At Sea Speakers on Photography and Shackleton

 Two speakers today.

Day 39 2/22 Cruise Atlantic  

Photographer speaker at 10:00.  Showed us some pictures of rough passages through the Drake Passage.  I am even more grateful for a smooth crossing.  We did see a chin strap penguin.  The water was clear and beautiful.  We didn’t get any amazing sunsets.  Try to include vessel in pictures to give some scale.  Showed us gentoo penguins in Paradise Harbor where we were unable to go.  Storms offer opportunities for dramatic pictures.   Sub-antarctic Islands below New Zealand offer more photographic opportunities.  Lots of wild life like king penguins, gentoo penguins, royal penguins,  seals, etc.  He has gone with his brother-in-law to document Albatross births and banding new adults.  The men tracked where the  albatross went for feeding.  The albatross allow men to walk up to the nest and lift the bird’s leg and check tracking number.  The albatross don’t see men as a predator.  

                                                                Gentoo penguins above and below

Speaker at 11:00, talked about Shackleton:  The Boss:  The Greatest Antarctic Explorer?  

I typed as the speaker presented.  I don't know how much sense this will make.  

Shackleton went on four  Antarctic Expeditions.  He loved the ice and wanted to keep returning.  Grew up in Ireland and potato famine changed his life.  His father gave up farming and then studied to become a doctor in London.  Shackleton always wanted to be a mariner.

For a few years, Shackleton worked on ships that were transporting goods.  Shackleton was a merchant marine, not Royal Navy.  Makes friend with Sedwig.  Llewellen got him on Discovery.  By age 24,  he was a  captain.  

Discovery Expedition, Shackleton was 3rd mate.  Armitage was the navigator.  The bridge was out in the open.  1901.  Had a hydrogen balloon made of cows stomach sewed together.  Allowed them to to float up to see that the ice shelf went for miles.

South Polar Times, Shackleton was the editor.  

Magnetician and Shackleton had competitions to recite poetry in order to keep the watch all night.  Shackleton got sick and was sent home.  He did talks about the area of operation.  He got together the Nimrod Expedition in 1906.  He included a lot of science to get the funding.  He got the ship towed to the area so it was not necessary to have a heavy load of coal.  He found people who could do the jobs and get along well.  Can you sing?  Can you play a banjo? These were a part of his questioning.  

Cape Royds Hut.  Man-hauling party departs Cape Royds hut for first ascent of Mt. Erebus during Shackleton’s Nimrod (1907-09) expedition.  The trip to the magnetic pole 1260 miles, unsupported.  Shackleton went south.  Pathway to the pole.  They got to within 87 miles.  They were using ponies.  Socks, a pony, fell down a crevice.  Did that impact the team not reaching the pole?  

With the ship called Endurance, Shackleton planned another expedition with some of the original team.  The officers were called upon to do some science.  Passed South Georgia Islands.  Whalers gave them advice not to go.  Shackleton pushed on against their advice.  The ship got caught in the ice.  This all happened during WWI.  Tried to free the ship.  Locked in since mid-February.   Planned to wait out winter, Photographer went any where to get a picture.  He photographed from the top of the ship's rigging.  They established a winter camp.  The ship was gone by end of September.  They had three lifeboats, 3 sledges, etc.  They were on the west side.  Christmas, 1951 they set up camp.  Patience Camp.  The photographer could fabricate with metal and made stoves, etc.  Took to the boats, after 6 days at sea, the team arrived at  Cape Valentine on Elephant Island. 16 months total had passed.  Lived in upturned boats.  April 24, 1916 launched the James Caird.  Made it more sea worthy.  Left 18  men behind and Shackleton, the navigator, two trouble makers, and 2 more strong men left to find ships/people that could rescue the men.    Had awful weather.  800 mile journey to S. Georgia.  Only able to get four sun shots.  Miraculously, they landed at Cape Rosa, South Georgia on May 10,1916,  They walked overland for 36 hours and passed over a mountain about 4000 ft. high. Fourth rescue attempt to pick up Shackleton on 8/30/16. was successful.  Shackleton returned to pick up the Elephant Island survivors.  

Aurora had a similar experience.  Did not drop off the supplies.  Three men died.  

Relieved after 2 years.  

Major Shackleton, 1917.  Specialist in polar wear for the World War.  Made money lecturing.

Crossing Antarctica was Shackleton’s next goal.  1800 miles.  Had to have depots laid.  The ships the Endurance and Aurora went to two different seas.  They were to drop off the food, supplies for camps etc.

Last expedition Shackleton-Rowett Expedition 1921 on the Quest.  Headed south with a small vessel.  He had a heart attack.  He avoided doctors.  He was having heart attacks all along.  He was drinking and smoking a lot.   He is buried on South Georgia.  Life commemorated in many ways. 

                                        Seals on ice.

"When I look back at those days I have no doubt that Providence guided us, not only across those snowfields, but across the storm-white sea that separated Elephant Island from our landing-place on South Georgia.  I know that during that long and racking march of 36 hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers of South Georgia it seemed to me often that we were four, not three.  I said nothing to my companions on the point, but afterwards, Worsley said to me, 'Boss, I had a curious feeling on the march that there was another person with us."

Ernest Shackleton

"For a joint scientific and geographical piece of organization give me Scott; for a winter journey, give me Wilson, for a dash to the Pole and nothing else, Amundsen; and if I am in the devil of a hole and want to get out of it, give me Shackleton every time." Apsley Cherry-Garrard

                                                        Gentoo penguins taken through the window on the ship.  

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