Thursday, March 2, 2023

Day 47 Thurs. 3/2 Sao Paulo (Santos) Brazil 7-6:00.

 Day 47 Thurs. 3/2/23 Sao Paulo(75 minutes away, Santos=Port) Brazil 7-6:00.

Highlights of Santos 

Santos is a port city in the southeastern state of Sao Paulo in southeastern Brazil.  The city lies only a few feet above sea level.  The docks are four miles long and can hold up to fifty ships at one time.  

In addition to coffee, exports include sugar, bananas, jerked beef, corn, seafood (sardines, croakers, hake, lobster), oranges, and hides. Automobiles, auto parts, transport equipment, electrical machinery, steel and ferroalloy products, shoes, clothing, and textiles are other major exports. Local industries include sawmills, canneries, and factories producing cement, candy, soap, soft drinks, and canvas items. A petroleum refinery at nearby Cubatao and a hydroelectric plant serve the city. Santos is the country’s largest port and was significantly modernized in the  1990’s.

The population was estimated to be 433,656 in 2020.  Santos is located outside the tropics, but has a tropical rainforest climate with no real dry season.  In February, the average low is 72 and average high is 84. Santos receives almost 80 inches of rain each year.  

The city of Santos has the largest port in Latin America, which comes complete with a restored (I don't think so) historic center.  Another major highlight of the city is the largest beach garden in the world, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records at 5,335 meters long.  

Random thoughts - Seventy percent of the products in Brazil are moved by trucks.  There is a rail system, but it has problems.  Our guide said it is safe in Santos at night, but I saw a lot of razor wire. There is no charge to use the beach in Santos and chairs and beach umbrellas are available for free.  The average wage earner in Santos makes $300/month.  We have to pay a 25% tax on many purchases while in Brazilian waters.  All purchases in bars, the boutiques, and spa will be taxed at 25%.  The ATM is shut down and the casino is closed. 

The sights listed below are suggestions of activities to do and sights to see in Santos.

Coffee Museum is a 1922 landmark building with a 120-foot clock tower and statues outside.  Museu do Cafe offers the history of Bazilian coffee.  

                                        Coffee Museum's Clocktower
                            The room where the coffee price was determined.  
                                    Coffee Museum

                       Ceiling above the room where the coffee price was determined


Because Santos is at sea level, they installed a series of seven canals to carry the water back to the sea.  
Fishing Museum shares knowledge derived from the study of the aquatic environment and applied technology.  It is closed at this time for repairs.
These pipes carry orange juice from the processing plant directly to the ships in the harbor.  

Botanical Gardens walk though the giant subtropical and tropical trees.  Visit the exotic aviary, filled with parrots..  Take in the orchidarium which showcases 100 orchids. (I saw one orchid blooming) 


Another major highlight of the city is the largest beach garden in the world, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records at 5,335 meters long. Pictured below.

                                                            Fountain in the Botanical Garden.
                                          Benedicto Calixto was a Brazilian painter.  His works included paintings of Brazil and Brazilian culture.  He also painted scenes of the Brazilian coastlines, especially near Sao Paolo.  
                                                                            Beach garden

                                            Santos Soccer Stadium
Pele Museum - what an amazing athlete. 

                 This Soccer Stadium in Santos will be destroyed and a new stadium created.  This one is not big enough.

                                            A wide variety of housing in Santos.
                                            The canals carry the water across Santos and into the sea.

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