Saturday, December 30, 2017

Carara National Park, Costa Rica 12/26/2017 AM

FACEBOOK  Arrived in Puntarenas on the west coast of Costa Rica, known for its fishing heritage.  Coffee is a main export of Costa Rica, as well as bananas, sugar and beef.  I was amazed when I learned Costa Rica did not have an army.  Checking the internet, I learned they have not had an army for seventy years.  A friend told they call their rich uncle, the United States if someone gives them trouble.  Costa Rica's poverty rate is twenty percent, much better than the other Central American countries.  There is still great inequality for indigenous people and minorities.  Violence rate is not as bad as other countries but drug trafficking causes problems.  The relative political and educational stability is attractive to foreign investors, but Costa Rica's former good economic reputation is fading.

Our morning excursion was to the Costa Rican Carara National Park and walking trails through the rainforest.  Our guide was excellent.  He lived across the street from the entrance to the park.  He was prepared with a tripod and an excellent telescope.  This allowed us to see animals and birds up close as we walked along a footpath.  We saw a three-toed sloth at the very beginning of our visit.  We saw capuchin monkeys up in the tree tops and a agouti on the ground eating the same fruit the monkeys either knocked down or dropped.  An agouti looks a lot like a large rodent.  We learned about different rainforest plants and saw bats.  The coolest find at the end of our hike was a pair of scarlet macaws.  Our next stop had us peering over a bridge railing to watch American crocodiles sunbathing along the river.  We ended this tour with the mandatory souvenir shop visit.

The highlight of our afternoon excursion was a visit to Esparza, a picturesque town founded in 1574 by the Spanish.  We were entertained by local school children dancing in traditional costumes in the city park.  Craft stalls surrounded the park.  We were able to take pictures at the adjacent Iglesia Catholic Church.

Carara National Park, Costa Rica  12/26/17

This agouti/rodent was about twelve inches long.  He was eating fruit from the trees.  

Scarlet Macaws

The brown lines on this tree are the paths of the termites that have a nest there.  They do not kill the tree when they nest in it.
A bat hanging on the tree.

Carara National Park

Carara National Park

Carara National Park

We stopped to look at crocodiles on our way back.  

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