Saturday, December 30, 2017

12/26/17 P.M. Children & Church in Esparza, Costa Rica

The highlight of our afternoon excursion was a visit to Esparza, a picturesque town founded in 1574 by the Spanish.  We were entertained by local school children dancing in traditional costumes in the city park.  Craft stalls surrounded the park.  We were able to take pictures at the adjacent Catholic Church.

We didn't have any time to eat between these two excursions.  We decided room service was our best option at 4:00.  I was starved and it was a great decision.

Tonight, we are being entertained by Colleen Williamson singing pop and Broadway hits.  She was excellent during her first performance and last night in the Christmas show.

I used my Elph camera today because it was going to be a long, hot day.  Hoping I will transfer these pictures in LA.

Tomorrow, we are heading to Leon, Nicaragua.

 Local school children wearing traditional costumes danced for us in Esparza, Costa Rica.

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