Monday, December 25, 2017


Panama Canal was awesome on Sunday.  Christmas Day was fun on board the Viking Sun.  Many interesting activities and great entertainment.  Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night.  Pictures -

Merry Christmas!

Bay of Pigs Sunset

Gingerbread Houses on the way into The Restaurant.

Gingerbread Houses on the way into The Restaurant.
Singing Christmas Carols in the Atrium.  Elmer, Nectar and Jed, and Heather.  
The first Viking Trio.  

More Gingerbread Houses in the Atrium.

My skinny latte in the Atrium.

Christmas Tree in the Atrium

I added pictures to this blog post on 7/28, I really wasn't functioning in late December.

1 comment:

  1. A late !erry Christmas! Sorry about the poor WiFi! Loving reading about your travels. Take care
