Thursday, December 21, 2017

Dec 21, 2017 Sea Day

Thursday, December 21, 2017  Sea Day

Happy to be a lady of leisure on board the Viking Sun.  After breakfast, I walked four laps around the deck for a one mile walk.  Then, I stopped by the gym and did my back exercises for the first time since I got on the ship.  Planning to put more effort into my back exercises.  I scheduled a twenty minute back massage.  Thomas was excellent.  I went in with a headache and stiff neck and came out feeling 100% better.  I was so relaxed, I took a nap until lunch.  

My blog post didn’t work yesterday, but it was saved and I was able to post today.  They say we are between the Caribbean satellite and the Pacific satellite.  Once we have transistioned to the Pacific Satellite, it should be better.  I can only hope.

The person that answered my question about cruise demographics was kidding!  Most of the people are 65 and over.  There are people in wheel chairs and driving electric carts.   People who shuffle around the dining room and I am sure are shuffling along on their excursions, if they even go.  

I’ve met quite a number of single travelers and have enjoyed getting to know them.  I met a couple that has a second home in Lenox, PA.  They live in Florida now and are originally from near New York City.  It’s been fun getting to know new people and I am working hard to remember their names.

Tomorrow = Costa Rica.  Satuday = Panama.  Sunday = Panama Canal with no excursons.  Monday is a day at sea.    

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