Friday, May 12, 2023

Day 118,Thursday, May 11, 2023 Sabang, Indonesia 7:00-16:00

Day 118, May 11, 2023 Sabang Indonesia 7:00-16:00  

Day 118, Thurs. May 11, 2023  Sabang, Indonesia 7:00 - 16:00

The port of Sabang is located within walking distance of town.  It lies off the northern tip of Sumatra at the northern entrance to the Strait of Malacca.  It is the first Cruise Port in the Malay Archipelago for vessels coming from the west.  Sabang is a cozy town offering a sleepy, charming old colonial atmosphere.  It was built in 1887.

Gapang and Iboih beaches are most popular and require a 40-50 minute ferry ride.  Local ferries are inconsistent.

Ahehnese coffee can be enjoyed at the  local restaurants and coffee shops.  In Indonesia eating with your hand is quite common. Wash your hands before and after eating. Use your right hand to pack a ball and then dip it into sauces. Your left hand is used to serve yourself with utensils. If utensils are provided to eat, use them.  

Cloning and fraud are a major problem if using credit cards in Indonesia.  

I walked into town with two ladies that are on my ship.  The sidewalks were a little tricky to navigate. We stopped in a few shops and one of the ladies bought a shirt.  Pictures below.  

                        These boys were all dressed quite similarly.  They gave us the finger.  Hmmm?
                                            These children were very friendly and happy to see us.  
                                                Our ship docked in Sabang, Indonesia.
                                            Lighthouse in Sabang
                                            VIHARA BUDDHA DHARMA SABANG
                                            Our ship in the distance
                                                                    Market on the street
                                                Ship repair

                                                Typical houses above and below

This was a stop for us because our port visits in China were cancelled.  The ladies and I just walked around for free.  Other passengers paid a lot of money for tours and were disappointed in the quality of their experiences.  

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