Sunday, June 25, 2023

Day 146 Thur June 8 Manilla, Phlippines

 Day 146 Thur June 8 Manilla, Philippines  

Found my way to the front of the pier to see an earthquake drill taking place.  This created a dilemna.  If I stayed near the ship to have wifi so I could communicate with Jorem, I knew Jorem could not get into port.  I went out to the front of the port through the people participating in the drill.  I talked to a man at the gate and he connected me to wifi by making his phone a hot spot.  I was able to tell Jorem where I was and within two minutes, he was there.  

I enjoyed a great visit with Jorem and his girlfriend, Charlene.  We went fo coffee at a hotel and then had lunch at a restaurant called Singing Cooks and Waiters.  Charlene asked if Jorem could play the piano and he played three songs, which was awesome. Charlene sang one song with him.  The singing chefs and waiters did a great job.  I really enjoyed lunch.

We went to a museum and learned about regional Filipino culture, costumes and food.  I was very nervous about returning late to the ship.  We were stuck in heavy traffic.  I arrived at the port about 3:40, when all aboard was 3:30.  I ran around the terminal and kept running until I saw a really long line of people.  Eight buses had just returned.  I felt I was able to walk at that point.  I was the last person in line.  

It was a great day in Manilla.  

                                                Jorem juggling at the Filipino Museum
                                                Lunch at the restaurant
                                                Charlene in the Filipino Culture Museum
                                The port entrance was blocked off due to an earthquake drill.
                                    Groups assembled during the earthquake drill.

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