Sunday, September 3, 2023

8/31/2023. Lake Manyara to Ngorongoro

8/31 Ave low 55/high75. Lake Manyara National Park is located at the base of the Great Rift Escarpment. Our first game drive…

Baboon, monkey, elephant, water buffalo, wart hog, 

We had lunch as we traveled to stay at Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge.  Going on a drive we could see giraffes, baboon, hippos, elephants and 100s of species of birds.  The Ngorongoro Conservation Area has an estimated 25,000 large mammals in the area.  Our lodge is on the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater rim and offers great views of the crater below.  The tropical forests that surround the crater are beautiful as well.  We saw zebras, giraffes, elephants, monkeys, and baboons as we traveled about an hour to the hotel. .  Our hotel is at an elevation of 7000 feet.  The base of the caldera is about 5000 feet. After the game drive, there was a reception and dinner.  Chris, our guide, gave us each a Shula, a woven, thick cotton blanket which is worn wrapped around the body.  

Ashura is in the middle of Africa.  The president of the country is coming tomorrow to open a new place.  Tourism is a main economy followed by farming. Irrigation has allowed farmers to grow crops all year.  Africa expects 5 million visitors a year.  Mining is important, also.  Tanzania gained freedom from the British in 1961.  There are countries in Africa that fight other countries.  Refugees are moving because of this.  Africa has National ID’s.  This allows the government to track people.  There are 127 tribes in Tanzania, but no fighting.  Tanzania has a common language, Swahili.  Tanzania is the size of two Californias.  Animals are protected.  There are 24 national parks.  Hunting is allowed but there are rules and it costs a lot of money.  That money is used to pay for the equivalent of the game commission and to build roads.  

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