Friday, September 15, 2023

(Temporary Backup) (Temporary Backup) 9/8/2023 Fairmont Mount Kenya Safari Club

9/8 We are near the equator and yesterday we flew to  Fairmont Mount Kenya Safari Club for a two night stay.This was William Holden’s retreat founded in 1959.  This morning we went to Nanyuki for a presentation about women as Spinners and Weavers which empowers them as they make their own money.  This afternoon  we visited the Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy and Animal Orphanage. It rained lightly while we were there.   Shelter and professional care supports a goal for the animals to be released back into the wild.  Tonight, we have a barbecue which must be under a canvas as it is still raining.  

The end unit to the left, I am on the second floor on the right.  


  1. Very impressive. I bet no one else I know ever stayed there.

  2. ....and the hedgehog shown reminds me of the one my daughter had named Hoagie.
