Sunday, September 3, 2023


The large migratory wildebeest herds are a haphazardly thrown together group of individuals.  The mother-calf bond is the only family tie.  Any individual can start walking and tens of thousands may follow.  On the next day, another individual might take the lead.

The wildebeests’ broad muzzles, loose lips and wide incisor row allow close rapid bulk feeding of short grasses.  The wildebeests’ reproductive system has evolved and adapted to the migratory way of life.  Wildebeest have a unique breeding strategy.  The result is a short annual birth peak.  Eighty percent of the calves are born within a three-week period in February.  This is the beginning of the most reliable rainfall season.  Wildebeest can detect recent rainfall events when new grass grows with a high protein value. 

The approximate wildebeest population in the Serengeti is 1.3 million.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing facts about the Wildebeests & weather, so fun to see your photos as well!
