Tuesday, September 5, 2023

9/5/2023. On to Kenya’s Amboseli National Park


Breakfast is at 6:00 and we will leave the hotel at 7:15.  We should arrive in Arusha at 9:30.  We will have free time at the Cultural Heritage Center, followed by lunch.  

Fly to Arusha, Tanzania and enjoy another view of the 15,000 feet high Mt. Kilimanjaro.  Continue to drive overland to Kenya and the Amboseli National Park.  Begin n the two-night stay.  Herds of free-ranging elephants and other wildlife roam and we hope to experience as many as possible.  The speaker originally scheduled for tomorrow evening was tonight.  

9/5 Ave low56/high77. Fly to Arusha, Tanzania and enjoy another view of the 15,000 feet high Mt. Kilimanjaro.  Continue to drive overland to Kenya and the Amboseli National Park in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain.  

Begin the two-night stay.  We are staying at the Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge.  The lodge was influenced by native architecture and is in harmony with its environment.  The interiors are inspired by distinctive African design motifs.  Each room is individually appointed with authentic Africana and murals painted by a renowned local artist.   Herds of free-ranging elephants and other wildlife roam nearby.  

It was a long, hard day.  The washboard road made for a bumpy start.  Our flight was uneventful.  We shopped at the Cultural Center and looked at a lot of Masai crafts and had lunch.  Then we rode for several hours on two buses on smooth roads until we got to the border of Kenya.  Our border crossing checking out of Tanzania and checking into Kenya went very smoothly.  We continued in our Safari vehicles and were back on the bumpy, dusty roads.  

There was a speaker about saving the elephants from poaching and a buffet dinner.  The decor of the hotel is authentic but there is no air conditioning.  I do have a ceiling fan…. After dinner, I went to bed as I was beyond exhausted.  

Photos are finally uploading from phone to iPad.  

First night sleeping surrounded by mosquito netting.  

Chris Morrison’s picture of Mount

It is very dry here.  The elephants like to cool off in the available water

I don’t remember what this animal is called.  



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