Sunday, September 3, 2023

9/3/2023 More drives in the Serengeti

9/3. Serengeti National Park grasslands for AM and PM game drives.  Enjoy meals in the hotel.  

9/3. Ave low 66/high84.  Serengeti National Park staying at the Four Seasons Safari Lodge.   We will look for wildlife in the savanna with both AM and PM game drives.  The extended morning game drive will take us into the heart of the Serengeti savanna.  Animals spotted may include prides of lions, zebras, hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, hippos, buffalos, jackals, gazelles, wildebeests, and giraffes.  Enjoy the sunset from the lodge and have Pan-African food for dinner.  

This morning we left for our game drive at 6:00.  Very near the hotel we saw impalas, gazelles and other similar animals.  

We also found a lion resting up on a large outcropping of rocks.  We saw some other lions and a jaguar in a tree.  We also saw ostriches, zebras, hyenas and giraffes.  

Jaguar is in the center of the tree in the center of the picture.  

Jaguar is stretched out on the branch to the right.  A foot and his tail are hanging down.

We stopped for tea, coffee, soda and some snacks.

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