Friday, January 5, 2018

Another Viking Celebration 1/5/18

  Viking Celebration in LA on 1/5/2018.  Of course, my pictures are out of order again.  Any bloggers know how to get the pictures to post in the order they were selected.  
Viking's pet dog, Finse came to celebrate.

There will be another celebration in Singapore where the Viking Sun's Godmother lives.  Godmother Yi Lou is a vice president at China Merchant Bank Financial Leasing  which is involved with the financing of Viking ships.  Fireworks are not allowed in Singapore, so we had them here in LA.  A couple traveling from Chicago to LA was delayed due to weather and the captain is waiting for them to arrive.  Then let the voyage begin...  Seven days to cross the Pacific Ocean.  Next stop, French Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia on 1/13/18.  Then Tahiti on 1/15 &16/18.  Then Bora Bora on 1/17/18

Torstein Hagen came to LA and offered his remarks celebrating the first Viking World Cruise.    At the conclusion of our cruise, Viking will have visited more ports than any other cruise line.  We also celebrated Vikings first trip through the Panama Canal.  There have been many guests on board, mostly press, travel agents and dignitaries.  

Torstein Hagen and his daughter Karine (the face of Viking).


  1. Havana looked amazing, if you enjoyed that you should do the Moulin Rouge if you get to Paris! Drink lots of tea, it might help you feel better! Thanks for sharing, Pam

    1. Thanks, Pam. I have been drinking one Aquavit a day and am not getting any worse. Many people have this horrible respiratory disease with terrible coughs that last a long time. Now, word on the ship is that the flu is being passed around.

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