Saturday, January 6, 2018

Saturday, 1/6/18 Sea Day 1 crossing Pacific

Saturday, 1/6/18

My first of seven days to cross the Pacific Ocean.  I was up early and tried to do a post, but there was NO internet access.  That was a big disappointment, as I was hoping the wifi situation would be improving.  I spent some time going through my pictures and deleting the ones that I was willing to give up.

At 10:00, I went to the Explorers" Lounge, which is at the front of the ship on the seventh deck.  Robin Petch, the Marine Specialist hangs out there.  He said it was not likely that we would see any whales, as we are not near their migratory path.  We might see seals and dolphins.  We are coming off the continental shelf and the ocean will be getting much deeper.  The good news is that we had smooth sailing today.

At 10:30, I listened to Dr. Fred Levine speak of "The Bayeux Tapestry"  This tapestry tells the story of the Battle of Hastings and ties in with the Vikings.  Different sections of the tapestry are replicated as decor throughout the ship.

After that, I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and did my back exercises and then had lunch.

At 2:00, I was back in the Explorers' Lounge for a Cha Cha Lesson.  During my cha cha lesson we noticed excitement on the deck outside and got to see quite a number of dolphins traveling along with the ship.

 I am getting a cold or the same terrible respiratory ailment that many people on the ship have and someone told me to have an Aquavit.  I never even heard of it.  I asked for it at the bar.  I believe it comes from Norway and is a liquor that is supposed to kill my cold germs.  It tasted strong enough to kill just about anything.  I'll let you know if it works.

At 3:30, Dr. Tony Waltham spoke about "Los Angeles Unearthed".  I have never heard anyone speak so fast.  He was very interesting and explained why LA is a fascinating case study for engineering geologists.  He talked about fault lines, earthquakes, landslides, sink holes, sinking land, the past, the present and the future and man's impact on the environment.

I made a quick trip up to the Wintergarden on level seven for Afternoon Tea.  The scones are my favorite part of tea.  The new Viking Trio was playing, the old Viking Trio disembarked in LA.  Their music is very relaxing and includes mostly classics played on the flute, violin and cello.

Dr. Charlie Urbanowicz did a talk entitled "An Anthropologist in the Pacific" at 5:00.  It was a little dry but got better as he continued.  He explained about the migration of man, the South Pacific's various islands and their geography, geology and inhabitants.

I left that session early to go to a Solo Travelers gathering at 5:30.  I met some new people that got on the ship yesterday.

Dinner tonight included a lot of seafood options as the chef got fresh seafood in LA.  I had shrimp and lobster.  Life is good.

At 9:15, we will join Captain Atle Hakon Knutsen in the Star Theater for his Welcome Reception.  He will present the senior officers of the Viking Sun and another celebratory toast.  The entertainment tonight is Unique 3.  Three women, three different voices creating a musical journey of rock, soul and broadway.

So, that is my first day at sea.  I never had time to start a new book.  I am thinking the week will pass quickly as most days offer many opportunities to keep myself busy.


  1. I have a feeling you might not finish that book.
    Party on!

  2. I have finished one book, but I haven't started another one as I can't seem to find the time.
