Friday, January 19, 2018

SAD No Avatiu, Rarotonga today

January 19, 2018  Friday  Avatiu, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. 

Very disappointing, but apparently not unusual.  We were unable to tender into shore today as the swells in Avaitiu, Rarotonga were too big for the tenders to operate safely.  A tender had gone to shore to pick up the officials.  As we watched the tender return while at breakfast, it was crashing through the swells.  I had doubts we would be going ashore.  We cruised from one side of the island to the other, but the swells were still to big.  We returned to the orginal anchor spot and then they had a very difficult time reloading the tender.  After a cruise around the island, we continued on our way to the next port.  

I spoke with a man out on the deck that has done ?#? World Cruises.  He said he has been able to get ashore in Rarotonga, Cook Islands twice and this was the third time he could not go ashore.    

This island would have rivaled Bora Bora from what I understand.  Avatiu is the capital of the Cook Islands.  Considered to be one the most beautiful islands.  South Islands formed by volcanoes.   Rarotonga is the very tip of the volcanic cone, Te Rua Manga, that pierces the sky from the island’s center.  Surrounded by a lagoon.   White sandy beaches lined with palms surround Rarotonga.   Land slopes rise up to scenic agricultural highlands terraced with farms that supply vegetables and fruits.  Coastal plain.  Coconut trees.  Coral reefs.  Narrow lagoon.  Cafe culture.  Polynesian culture.  There are several ancient marae, communal gathering places typical of Polynesian tribes.  TIny islets circle the lagoon.  Less than 15,000 residents.  Ties to New Zealand.  

Several days at sea coming up and we will be crossing the International Dateline and losing January 21, 2018 in the process.  

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