Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sunday, 1/7/18 Sea Day 2 crossing Pacific

Sunday, 1/7/18

Life on board - another busy day.

I was up early and worked on editing pictures for a while, then I went to the Interdenominational Church Service lead by our cruise director Heather.  She is an amazing woman.

10:00  Wildlife watch with Robin Petch, but there is not much to watch at this time.  He does take questions and provides lots of interesting information.

10:30 Lecture  "The Great Pacific Ocean" with Dr. Tony Waltham.  We learned about evolving geology and the oceanic plate that continues to  move toward the northwest.    The Pacific Ocean floor is moving three inches each year and volcanic activity is creating new floor.  All Pacific Islands are volcanic.  The largest volcano in the world is entirely under water.

Then I went to the gym to get some exercise and Kim told me I had a water pipe broken at my house. Thanks to Kelly, Mike and Charlie who are taking care of things.  Thanks to all the people that are taking care of my plants.  Thanks to Mo who is handling the mail.

After lunch, I went to Dance Class with Matthew to dance the Salsa and Cha Cha.

3:30  Robin Petch spoke about Friendly Wild Dolphins.  He told of human-dolphin interactions recorded back through ancient Greek times.  He also cautioned that dolphins are wild animals and you never really know what they will do.  Dolphins will attack and can injure people.  This usually happens when the PEOPLE are harassing or hurting the dolphin in some way.  One was injured and another man died after a dolphin attacked him.  The dolphin attacked because the two men were putting wooden sticks down the dolphin's blowhole to see what would happen.

I went to dinner and then had some Aquavit as an after dinner drink.  I am fighting a cold and it is supposed to kill the germs.  So far, it is not working.  I am not getting worse, but I am not getting better.

Tonight's entertainment was Gary Arbuthnot, an International Virtuoso Instrumentalist.  He played the flute and penny whistle.  His show was entitled "Stage and Screen".  He was an amazing musician. While he played  the Irish song that they danced to in lower class on the Titanic on the penny whistle, the movie clip was played.  He played Bolero and the screen showed the 1984 ice skaters that won the Gold Medal in the Olympics dancing to that song.  He played a James Bond song and we watched clips of all the stars that played James Bond.  It was a great show and a the movie clips made it a bit more interesting.  His flute is made of platinum and costs $30,000.  He began playing a penny whistle that his dad purchased for a couple of dollars.

Hope you had a great day.  All the best.