Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Viking Sun 1/3/18

Exciting morning on board the Viking Sun.  We just saw a whale, I don't remember what kind.  It did a lot of tail slapping to wave at us.  He had a large blow.  Robin, the marine specialist, said it was over 50 feet long!!!  I did not have a camera with a powerful lens to get a picture.

Try to pick a whale viewing tour supported by Research Organizations or Conservation Groups.  Eldings in Iceland pays a research team to accompany them.

Plastic islands are floating in the ocean.  These plastic islands are negatively impacting sea life.  Robin showed us a picture of a baby bird that was fed plastic by its mother.  Pieces of plastic filled its digestive system and looked to be about two cups of plastic lids from sodas and other plastic debris inside the bird.  It ultimately killed the bird.  Almost every marine autopsy that Robin has completed on mammals involves plastic in the intestines.  Even shrimp are found with tiny bits of plastic that have worn off larger pieces of plastic in their digestive system.   Six pack rings are very deadly to marine life including our turtles.  Recycle and dispose of plastics very carefully.

Taxes on carry/grocery bags are making a difference in locations where implemented.  Deposits on plastics and glass are working, also.  Countries are looking at ways to recycle plastic, instead of just bailing them up and sending to China.  It would be better to not produce the waste in the first place.  We need to look at every action we do and think of its impact on our Earth.

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