Tuesday, September 24, 2019

9/24/2019 Zurich.

9/24/2019 Day 3 in Zurich

The phone says 16,176 steps, 6.5 miles and 17 flights climbed.

I am headed to the Ameron Hotel in Lucerne, tomorrow.

Today, I did a 2.5 hr bus tour with several stops.  We were lucky today as we could see snow in the Alps above the lake in Zurich.  Rode a cog railroad and then finished with a walking tour in Old Town. I did not head back to the bus parking lot, but stayed in Old Town to visit two churches.  Neither church allowed pictures.  I then wandered  around and ended up at one of the universities and had lunch in the cafeteria.  I had no idea what I asked for and surprise, it was liver.  I have to say it was good.  Everything is expensive here.  I don’t know how the average worker makes ends meet.  Sandwiches at convenient markets in England were 2.50 pounds, the same sandwich here is 7 Swiss francs.  In England it was .20 pounds to use the bathroom, here it is 2 Swiss francs (about $2.). I’ve been stopping into the university to use the bathroom because the bathrooms are free and it’s as convenient.  I went to the Museum this afternoon and was not as interested as I thought I would be.  It reminded me of a prison, all concrete and not aesthetic in my opinion.  I finally just left.  

Snow in the Alps above the lake.

Lions are a symbol of Zurich.

Old Town. It is not easy to get a picture without people...

I remembered reading there are over 1,200 fountains in Zurich.  I was thinking fountains like Charleston, but no - they are drinking fountains and they are all different.  I’m sure I passed many and didn’t even notice them.  This is my favorite.  You reach in between the figurines to fill your water bottle.

Cog Railroad used mostly by college students and commuters.  
Wasserkirche or Water Church is on an island in the Limmat River.

On the other side of the Limmat River, see the twin spires are Grossmunster Cathedral.  Construction began in 1100 and it is considered the most recognizable landmark in Zurich.  

My surprise liver was very good when I had lunch at the University.  If ever in Zurich, take the tram and use their bathrooms for free.  

Beautifully carved doors on the Grossmunster. Designed by Otto Munch and installed in 1950.  The theme of the carvings is biblical.
Fraumunster translates to Women's Minster.  An abbey for aristocratic women was located on this site in 853.  Today is is an Evangelical Reformed Church.

Fraumunster translate to Women's Minster.  An abbey for aristocratic women was located on this site in 853.  Today is is an Evangelical Reformed Church.

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