Sunday, September 22, 2019

Safely arrived in Zurich. 9/22/2019

I just wanted to let you know my trip to Zurich was uneventful.  My driver picked me up at the hotel at 5:30 AM and I enjoyed his company on the drive.  The lucky thing, there was no traffic to deal with at that hour.  Flying out of Heathrow was painless.  I was checked in and passed through security before 6:30, which gave me about three hours to wait for my flight.  I had a choice of a flight at 9:30 or 4:00, I’m glad I came early.  Zurich’s passport review lines were LONG.  I realized if I went left, I would have an option to go one of three lines, the lines to the right stayed a single line.  I got a Zurich Pass for three days which covers buses, trams and discounts on admissions.  I used the tram a lot today; to get to my hotel and for my round trip to Zurich.    A young man showed me where to validate my card and showed me how to know which way I wanted to go.  I feel comfortable with the tram which is good as I need to ride a tram to get to train station to go to Lucerne on Wednesday.  Left some of my stuff in London and hope to leave more here to lighten my suitcases for the trip to Lucerne.

Phone says 17,629 steps, 7.1 miles and 1 flight climbed.

There is a promenade along the lake in Zurich.  It was packed as the temperature was 77 and it’s supposed to rain for nine days.  These two guys were great,  notice they made sounds with their feet too.  

This guy was playing a saw.

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