Sunday, January 8, 2023

Florence October 30, 2022

My tour group is leaving today.  I am moving to a different hotel, it is closer to the train station and to “the action”.

Tower of Arnulfo (95 meters) overlooking  Palazzo Vecchio (Old Palace)  Located on the  Piazzo Della Signoria, where the Loggia dei Lanza is located with a gallery of statues.  You can see a replica of Michelangelo’s David statue.  The Medici family lived there at one time and had walkways constructed above all the building connecting Palazzo Vecchio to the new duke’s residence (the Pitti Palace) across the Arno River.  The statue of Neptune, on the left, appears to be looking at David with disdain.  

Ponte Vecchio was originally for craftsman such as butchers, fishmongers, tanners, etc.  It was the only bridge across the Arno until 1218.  The Medici wanted a connecting route between the Old Palace and the New Palace.  In 1565, the Corridoio Vasariano was built.  You can see it running along above the shops on the bridge.    In 1593, Ferdinand I decreed that only goldsmiths and jewelers were allowed.   

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