Thursday, January 26, 2023

Wednesday & Thursday, January 26, 2023 Acajutla, El Salvador

Wednesday, 1/25/23, we were in Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala.  I was here in 2017 and decided I wasn't interested in riding for 90 minutes to visit Antigua again.  None of the other tours interested me enough to spend my money on them, so I stayed on board.  I did my laundry and relaxed.   

Day 12: Thursday, January 26, 2023 Acajutla, El Salvador 7-2:00 Don’t drink local water or food washed in local water. 

El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America.  It is smaller than Massachusetts.  The Pacific Ocean, Guatemala and Honduras border El Salvador.  It is known as the land of volcanoes.  Primary foods include rice, beans and tortillas.  The population is about seven million.    

Acajutla is a principal port and handles a large portion of El Salvador's coffee exports, also shipments of sugar and balsam. A petroleum refinery and a fertilizer plant are industries in the city.  Fish and shell processing industries as well as tourism are important.  Beach-resort facilities are a part of the economy.  

Acajutla's name comes from the Nahualt language and means "where burned canes are plentiful".  Acajutla belongs to the hot land category and average temperatures are 81 to 104 degrees.   

We went through one checkpoint today, but because a picture was taken of our photo id's by the authorities as we boarded the bus we did not have to stop.  

Port: Acajutla, El Salvador Sightseeing ACJ-008  Tour Length: Half-Day (Approximately 3 1/4 hours) 

Tour Description

  • Take in the stunning natural beauty of Cerro Verde National Park and its nearby volcanoes.
  • Drive through the town of Izalco, which lies on the slope of its namesake volcano. Admire the colonial town of Nahuizalco along the colorful, aptly named Flowers Route.

Enjoy an enlightening driving tour that offers different perspectives of western El Salvador, including its volcanic landscape and colonial towns. You will first pause for photos at Cerro Verde National Park, a natural wonderland between three lushly landscaped volcanoes. The youngest volcano is Izalco, which began erupting in the late 18th century and continued for more than 150 years. The town of Izalco now lies on the volcano’s slope. The harvesting of cocoa once fueled the economy, although Izalco was known more as a mystical setting, as its indigenous Nahuatl people practiced traditional healing. Following a driving tour of its landmarks, you will stop for photos in the colonial town of Nahuizalco, which translates to “four Izalcos” in the Nahuatl language. The name refers to the town once having four times the population of Izalco. Nahuizalco lies along El Salvador’s beautiful Flowers Route, a byway bordered by fields of wildflowers.

                                                Izalco, El Salvador
                                            Young people entertaining us upon our return to the port of Acajutla.   
                                            Fruits and vegetables market in Nahuizalco.
                                            Church of Delores, platform to be carried through the streets of Nahuizalco.

                                            Church in Izalco, El Salvador
Three volcanoes, one is active and makes steam.  The one to the left used to be active and sailors referred to is as the lighthouse of the Pacific because they could see it from sea.  
                                            Church of Delores in Nahuizalco

                                                                            Izalco, El Salvador

Church of Delores, Nahuizalco

El Salvador was at war about human rights from 1980-1992. Seventy thousand lives were lost.  I'm not sure I understood my guide.  " A president in El Salvador is elected for a 5 year term.  The party in charge for three terms was corrupt.  The first president of the Guerrilla government is believed to have faked his death and absconded with $10 million.  The next Guerrilla president is believe to have run away to Nicaragua with $3 million.  Then there was a new president with a new idea. " 

Some businesses from the United States that I saw today included McDonald's, Mister Donut, Wendy's, Coca Cola, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Chevrolet and Kia.  I saw a sign near the hospital advertising X-rays for $17-$28.  In American money, that would be $150. to about $300.  I saw a lot of raw wooden furniture for sale along the road, but did not have a chance to ask the guide about it.    

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