Saturday, January 21, 2023

Zihuatanejo, Mexico Saturday, January 21, 2023

Last night, after an excellent dinner in the main dining room, I decided to walk the track above the pool.  I was even more surprised when I checked my steps for the day, 6.3 miles.  I listened to the Classical Quartet for a while, very relaxing.  

This morning, I walked the track, put my laundry in and ate breakfast while it was washing.  My timing was perfect and I put the clothes in the dryer for a quick 30 min.  Now, some of my clothes are on a drying rack in my room.  

Today we are in Zihuatanejo.

Dancers greeted us when we arrived on the tender.  


This town spent most of its history as a sleepy fishing village.  The federal government decided to develop a nearby resort in the 1970's.  The area is now the third most visited area in Mexico after Cancun and Puerto Vallarta.  The sea has lots of marine life including dolphins and sea turtles.  I saw some dolphins while I was eating breakfast this morning.

The pelicans' perch in the harbor.  I'm glad that's not my boat.
The Oceania Insignia awaiting our return.  
The beach in Zihuatanejo, Mexico.
Cantinas along the street.
More of the beach along the waterfront


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